Friday 11 March 2011

Unit 9: Mr loveday's little outing

For this next task we were asked  to take photographs and produce final image to illistrate the story "My Loveday's Little Outing". . We were told that we could not reveal the ending of the story to the readers and  had to pick out parts  in the story to use on the images to give a clue. When we completed our images we presentented the final work to an audiences to get feedback from them.

Mr loveday images

image of the front cover

Image of first page
Image of second page
image of the last page

tv: emma heading ball into the tv

For my tv image i have chosen to do an image of someone heading a ball back into the tv as it came out to her. i chosse to do this as i think that it is imaginative and links with tv

tv 2: girl that swallowed a tv

For my tv image i have chosen to do an image of someone who has swallowed a tv . i chosse to do this as i think that it is imaginative and links with tv

tv 1 women in a tv

radio 3 woman walking into the sunset with a radio

radio 2 man leaning ona radio which is the same size

radio 1 image of tiny lauren x4 around a radio