Thursday 23 June 2011

The Feedback Questionnaire

Media and their audiences

1. Do you think that I was imaginative with creating my images?  Please circle

Yes No

2. Which of the images do you like the best?


3. Which of the images do you like the least?

4. Do you think that I could have improved any of my images? If so please state


5. Do you think my work is met to a high standard?

Yes no

People and their heroes

1.Do you think that I was imaginative with creating my images?  Please circle

Yes No

2. Which of the images do you like the best?


3. Which of the images do you like the least?

4. Do you think that I could have improved any of my images? If so please state


5. Do you think my work is met to a high standard?

Yes no


Yes    no
17     3

cinema print  radio  Tv new media adverts
 4          5      5        1         2           3

yes   no
2      18
cinema and radio
yes   no
17    3
yes   no
16   4
spongebob obama pink matt mily cheryl
       2            6        2     3     1       6
spongebob obama pink matt mily cheryl
      6              2        1      3   6          1

yes no
1    19
spongebob image

yes no
16 4

Tuesday 7 June 2011


For unit 9: Exploring photography and digital imaging we were asked to produce 18 images for six different categories, and three for each one. The categories were: TV, Print, Cinema, New media, Radio and advertising. The purpose of the task that was set was make the image look realistic using our photo shop skills to do this and to illustrate the images to our audience and show them what the images are representing and too make them look imaginative and creative and to make them stand out and also to make the images represent the title so that I shows that that is what the image is. We completed this task on Abode Photoshop and then were told to use at least one internet image, one camera image (that we had taken ourselves) in the combined final image.  I believe for this task that my images where completed well to illustrate the brief I was given. I used my Photoshop skills to do this. Moreover for the same unit we where asked to produce the task and complete six combined images of people and their heroes. Which were Charley Miller and Miley Cyrus, John Sherlock and Obama, Bethany Hodgson and Cheryl Cole, Layla Bemousa and pink, Lauren Skeggs and Dan Carter and finally Ashley Nelson and SpongeBob Squarepants.  I also believe in this task that I produced I completed what I was trying to illustrate as I think they look realistic and creative and show who there heroes are. Also they show my Photoshop skills within the images.           
            I think for the first task and the 18 images my strongest images would be TV and the image of Lauren Skeggs inside a TV as I believe that it worked and I think that it was most creative and imaginative and I met my brief that was given. Also I think it relates to the title and shows that it is illustrating TV. Also from the feedback that I collected through my questionnaires I found that people preferred this image the most as when asked “which of the following 18 is your favourite image?” I got that more than half the people said that the image worked and preferred it to most. For my weakest image I think it would be cinema and cinema Street as I was completing the task late on in the deadline and rushed the image more than the other images. Also the feedback that I had gathered when asked “which of the following image do you dislike the most?” I discovered that most of the people said that they dislike this image and that it did not work and also was slightly pixelated. If I were to complete that image again I would definitely be more imaginative and also try to meet my deadlines that are given and not fall behind. Furthermore for my 6 images people and their heroes I believe that I worked hard on all of them and the images worked. However I think that strongest image in that task would be Dan Carter and Lauren Skeggs the reason for this was because it looks more realistic and met my brief and also the image looks believable and looks like they are with each other and more so because i worked hard on editing as I used Photoshop to do this. I used many tools on Photoshop and picked up new skills along the way. I think that I used the cutting out tool well and made it smooth. Also I learned to use the gradient tool and the brush tool. In this image I also worked on taking the correct image on the camera and finding a suitable image for the celebrity. In addition I think looking back at my 6 images I think that my weakest image is SpongeBob squrepants and Ashley nelson because I think that I put the littlest amount of effort into creating the image also I did not put enough creativity into the image and should of met my brief to a higher standard. Also I don’t think that the image looked realistic. When producing the combined images I didn’t use as many tools as the other images.  If I were to complete the image again I would have asked rather than a fictional character, which is your real person hero and also put the same amount of effort into all the images.  
            When I was creating the final images I used 2-4 images and photoshoped them together to make 1 final image so that the final image was a combination of different images which included internet images and camera images. Moreover, when I was editing my 18 images (Media and their audiences) I used many tools such as the rectangular marquee tool, lasso tool and the magic wand tool and other tools. These tools helped my complete my work to a high standard and make them look well edited. I also think that I used all the tools well and knew how to use them properly. For my 6 images that I completed (people and their heroes) I used a variety of tools including for the 18 image plus many more such as the magnetic lasso tool, these tools also helped me a lot complete my task and improved them by making my cutting out more clear and neat.  For my six images when I was taking pictures I choose them to fit around my internet images making sure the lighting in the shot was matching the style in the internet image to make it look realistic and making sure the images was not pixellated by making the page a certain size.
            I think that when I was creating my final images of the 18 and the 6 the technical quality was ok and the print quality for the majority of the images came out good however the image of Christy sitting on top of the world came out pixellated as the six of the layers were too small. When I was choosing angles of the photograph and the lighting I think that it all went well as the same lighting was used in the combined image. When I presented my exhibition the majority of people gave good feedback and most of the people preferred advert the image of the big advert falling on someone. So that shows that it was successful and I edited well by using tools and framing the camera well. And also for my six images people preferred Bethany Hodgson and Cheryl Cole which shows that was most successful. However for the 18 images the majority of people disliked print and the image of the newspaper with people crawling on it which shows that I could have worked harder on that and made more changes to the image as I think that when editing the image I did not use enough tools. In the same way for the six images I should have put more effort in for Ashley Nelson as the majority of people disliked that.
For my story illustration ‘Mr. lovedays little outing’ I used an SLR camera to take the images. We were asked to take four images that would relate to the story on that page and also the front cover so that the image did not reveal the story however it gave a hint of the story. I think that my front image of the bike illustrates my brief well as it meets the criteria of not revealing the story and I also think that when taking the image I used as many camera angles including a long shot and a close up so that I could get the best possible image. I chose to illustrate this image as in the end of the end of the story it shows and I think that when reading the story it will make it exciting For my other images of the orange, the crossword puzzle and the big gates I used a Variety of camera angles to get the best result. I found that when taking the images the lighting and where this was taking place had to specific. I choose the image of the orange as in the story this links with the first page towards the end so I think it does not reveal anything. For the image of the gates that I had taken I think that it goes well and does not give away the ending of the page and also the story. For the image of the crossword puzzle I chose to use it as I think that I could use good angles with it and also inside the puzzle I used words that relate with the story but not revealing anything so I think it met my brief.
To create the final image we could of edited the image and combined the image however I did not chose to do this as I think that my images were ok to use and did not need editing. Also I changed the colour of the images to black and white as this was in our brief to make the image look better and more affective. I think that when I printed the images off they were not pixilated and the lighting that I used in the shots were good and affective. I feel that my strengths for the unit have been taking the images and using different shots and angles. However I think that my weaknesses for this take were not editing the images as much as I could and not using enough tools to this. Throughout this unit I think that I have learnt new camera angles and also how to develop pictures with the right lighting. I also feel I have picked up the skills on Photoshop to turn the images to a geyscale.

            To conclude I think that overall I worked hard in this unit and completed the work affectively and made sure my final images were perfectly edited, However I think that I could have done things much differently by keeping to my deadlines that were given and worked a little hard to complete tasks on time. I think my strengths of the unit have been that I have used adobe Photoshop well and worked hard in getting the final images perfect. However I think that me weakness has been lacking in me not keeping up to deadlines and not using my time productively because if I had kept to them I would of been more relaxed and maybe completed them to an even higher standard. Throughout this unit I think I have learned new skills in adobe with the editing and also in taking images on a camera. I have learned new shots and new modes on the camera provided to ensure that my images that were taken where perfect.

Friday 11 March 2011

Unit 9: Mr loveday's little outing

For this next task we were asked  to take photographs and produce final image to illistrate the story "My Loveday's Little Outing". . We were told that we could not reveal the ending of the story to the readers and  had to pick out parts  in the story to use on the images to give a clue. When we completed our images we presentented the final work to an audiences to get feedback from them.

Mr loveday images

image of the front cover

Image of first page
Image of second page
image of the last page

tv: emma heading ball into the tv

For my tv image i have chosen to do an image of someone heading a ball back into the tv as it came out to her. i chosse to do this as i think that it is imaginative and links with tv

tv 2: girl that swallowed a tv

For my tv image i have chosen to do an image of someone who has swallowed a tv . i chosse to do this as i think that it is imaginative and links with tv

tv 1 women in a tv