Thursday 23 June 2011

The Feedback Questionnaire

Media and their audiences

1. Do you think that I was imaginative with creating my images?  Please circle

Yes No

2. Which of the images do you like the best?


3. Which of the images do you like the least?

4. Do you think that I could have improved any of my images? If so please state


5. Do you think my work is met to a high standard?

Yes no

People and their heroes

1.Do you think that I was imaginative with creating my images?  Please circle

Yes No

2. Which of the images do you like the best?


3. Which of the images do you like the least?

4. Do you think that I could have improved any of my images? If so please state


5. Do you think my work is met to a high standard?

Yes no


Yes    no
17     3

cinema print  radio  Tv new media adverts
 4          5      5        1         2           3

yes   no
2      18
cinema and radio
yes   no
17    3
yes   no
16   4
spongebob obama pink matt mily cheryl
       2            6        2     3     1       6
spongebob obama pink matt mily cheryl
      6              2        1      3   6          1

yes no
1    19
spongebob image

yes no
16 4

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